Kazaam Valley 1 A Magic Mess María Rubio. Illustrations by Bea Tormo. Middle grade
144 pages, full-colour illustrations
Fantasy, Adventure, Humour, Friendship
Rights sold: Spanish (Destino), Catalan (Estrella Polar)
ISBN: 9788408252474
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Collection: Kazaam Valley Kazaam Valley

More about: María Rubio María Rubio

Discover Kazaam valley, the coolest secret place in the world!

Coco is a young girl that lives in Kazaam Valley with her witch grandmother and her best friend, a sudoku-addicted pig called Ham. The valley is full of wonderful things: strawberry shake coming out of the tap, dragons, ponycorns and dolphins, cream-flavoured ice cream-snow... But she is so used to the extraordinary that she no longer appreciates it. She is bored.

One day, she decides to cross the border and go into an unknown world. There she discovers a group of fascinating creatures: the Miiwiis, some kind of robots with mini-screens on their bellies. Coco is so crazy about them that she takes one of the Miiwiis to Kazaam Valley... but is it a good idea, bringing a creature which she knows nothing about? What if Coco has unknowingly endangered the inhabitants of Kazaam Valley?